Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. They are the basis of the contract between you and Menai Swim Academy ensuring all participants receives the maximum benefits from our services.
By paying for your lessons you agree with these terms and conditions and understand that a contract exists between you and Menai Swim Academy.
Lesson – a class in which a student is taught by a Menai Swim Academy Instructor.
Guardian – a person other than a parent who brings the student to the lesson.
Menai Swim Academy, we, us, our, the Company, the school – Aqua Safe Enterprises Pty Ltd.
You, your – the customer.
Term lessons – the block of lessons outlined by Menai Swim Academy’s swim calendar.
Intensive Programs – a course of lessons on consecutive days held during term breaks or holidays.
Credit – a monetary value applied to an account that can be set off against the fee for a future booking.
Make-up class – a lesson provided in lieu of a lesson that was paid for but not attended. (Conditions apply)
Parents and children are not permitted to use the swimming pool for recreational purposes and must only enter the water during the period of their lesson.
All customers are to abide by the pool rules on display within the pool hall and follow any instruction made by pool staff.
Menai Swim Academy reserves the right to cancel your enrolment without warning if there is any breach of these terms and conditions or for any other reason management decides including but not limited to equipment damage or health and safety risk.
You must make Menai Swim Academy aware in writing via the “change of details form” on our website, of any change of address, email, contact numbers, bank account and credit card details for payment and any other information related to your enrolment.
There are to be no recording devices or cameras used at Menai Swim Academy without the companies approval.
All customers must present their membership card at the time of arrival for each lesson.
At times Menai Swim Academy will have photo shoots for promotional reasons, by paying for your lesson you give permission for us to use these photos only for the reason mentioned above. These photos will not be sold to anyone and if requested are available free of charge to the parent/guardian of the child. If for some reason you require your child not to be part of the shoot it’s your responsibility to advise Menai Swim Academy on the day.
Your Fees
Discounts are only valid if siblings (brothers or sister) are in the same program.
Discounts do not apply to private lessons or casual classes.
Staff and Menai Swim Club registered swimmers will receive a special family discount of 10%
Learn to swim discount schedule is outlined on the current year price list located at front desk.
A multi child discount of 5% for the second child and 10% discount for the third child will apply to squad swimmers in the same family. The discount will be worked out as per age of child oldest to youngest.
Learn To Swim
Payments can be made by either upfront on a term to term basis or on a monthly direct debit agreement.
Credit Card payments over the counter will endure a surcharge of 1%
Direct Debit customers will not have to re-enrol from term to term, their booking is continuous and won’t cease until notified in writing by the customer. (Please see Direct Debit T&C’s and Cancellations clause)
Direct Debit customers will only be charged monthly for the enrolled lessons within the month period.
Payments must be made within the reenrolment period to reserve your current position in the program. We take no responsibility for lost positions because of late payment.
Squad customers are required to enter in to a monthly direct debit agreement. (Please see Direct Debit T& C’s)
Customers will only be charged monthly for the enrolled lessons within the month period.
Menai Swim Academy’s main responsibility is to supply a lesson for swim tuition. If for some reason the student refuses to be involved with that lesson Menai Swim Academy takes no responsibility and refunds or make ups will not be provided.
Menai Swim Academy will provide suitably qualified instructors trained in the Menai Swim Academy methodology.
It is our policy to endeavour to provide a temporary replacement Instructor in the event of any Instructor’s absence.
We reserve the right to replace Instructors if necessary once the term has started.
Menai Swim Academy Instructors can only be responsible for students during their swimming lessons. Parents and/or guardians are responsible at all other times.
The swimming lesson begins when the instructor accepts charge of the student from the parent or guardian and ends at the conclusion of the class.
The appointed guardian must be present at the end of the lesson to take control of the student.
There are no booking changes for squad swimmers during the monthly period. Any change requested will be for the following month.
Make up lessons are subject to availability and must be used within the term of the absence.
A maximum of 3 makeups will be granted per term (3 month period).
Notification of your absence must be given to Menai Swim Academy no later than 8am for morning classes and 3pm for afternoon classes on the day of the absence to be eligible to lodge a makeup request.
Make ups are only issued upon the receipt of a valid make up request form. The form is located at and needs to be emailed directly to the centre with 48 hours of the absence. This has to be accompanied with a valid medical certificate stating the illness or injury for the second and third makeup request.
If a make-up lesson is not attended the make-up lesson is forfeited.
No make ups lessons are available for intensive program classes.
Missed lessons without notification will not be eligible for a make-up class.
Classes can be suspended for maximum of 6 weeks per year if an absence to a lesson is required for a period of time equal or greater than 2 weeks and you wish to retain your position. In the event of a suspension the customer must present a suspension request form to the office which is located at and $5 fee will be charged for each lesson missed.
Direct Debit cancellations must present the “class cancellation form” found at to the office before the 15th of the month to ensure payment is ceased. Direct debit cancellations received after the 15th will take effect the following month and an extra payment will occur.
Term payment cancellations are required to present the “class cancellation form” to the office. No refund or credit will be applied for unused portion of the term unless a medical certificate can be supplied identifying the illness or injury. In the event of a credit or refund approved a fee of $25.00 will apply as a cancellation fee.